Wednesday, August 22, 2007


YOu took me as a caterpillar and wrapped me in a cocoon...a place ive been for the past 2 years....and ive learn alot being in here.truely i cant deny that ive gained alot..You have given me such annointing it possible for a man to even contain all these talents,gifts and knowledge?God give me the opportunity to use each one of them only for your glory and nothing that ipeople will focus their eyes on you.Rebuke me God if ever I mention to people more of "I" than "God"...rebuke me if ever i lead people to myself and not you...Discard me from your promises if ever i put your name to shame. but GOd, I am now ready....ready to break out of this cacoon and show forth to the world how much you have mentored me ....NO one has yet to see what YOu can do through this vessel... and as i avail myself....i know the time is soon. im going to break out from this state ive been and spread the wings which ive developed in this cocoon...this place of you and me.Im ready.... but as for your timing...i shall wait and remain silent.

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